Uxue Gutierrez Lorenzo 2024ko maiatzaren 10a
Txizatoki bat eszenatokian. Apirilaren 17an, Bilboko Bira kulturgunean. Argazkia: Tartean Teatroa.

In the post-performance colloquium, the public shares their opinions and reflections on what was seen and heard, and, in some way, the spectacle continues to work for the duration of this meeting. The sensations that somehow become memories give the sense of the work. That is what theatre depends on, among others. The creators' condemnation is to complete a memorable performance, which seduces the spectator at the moment and exalts the performance to bring it into memory. It is said that what is not forgotten never dies. The memory of the audience perpetuates the story. Today’s protagonist goes to the stage to complete his memorable performance.

As he advanced the title, actor Patxo Telleria has appeared on stage with a stage. The enclosure, in this case at least, has been collected directly from the toilet of the Bira Cultural Center, equipped with adhesives. In its origin, Marcel Duchamp presents in a museum a space to question the concept of art. Telleria brings revolutionary action to the theater.

In Bira kulturgunea we have gathered about 30 spectators on Wednesday night. Scenography consists of a few elements. A carpet on the ground and a chalkboard rested on a donkey on the left and a black table on the right. Posing the stage on the black table, the actor announced his role dressed in blue suit: he wants to make a crazy portrait of the post-theatre, making the future that we do not yet live present.

The play is finished in the present which is the future, and outside the Tour we are all flirting. It does not take long to start an avalanche of opinions: “Shoe rack to your shoes”, with the answer “Bear, fuck bat!”, and of course, “Hey, let’s go to the previous bar” is one of the protagonists of the talk. We judge, criticize and classify the actors and their works, and Telleria has done so with us similarly. Each of us has played a role and collected our words on the board. There is everything: a pseudo-intellectual who becomes an expert, a spectator who has enjoyed without understanding anything, who has approached with the excuse of the next boat, which has seemed to him a wonderful performance, who cares about the feelings of the creator…

The performance, the phrases collected on the board, the viewers who materialize them and the reflection and the games of words of Telleria have been the ones that have rolled up. It may be enough to stage a stage to create a memorable performance. With elegance and humor, Telleria has created a delightful performance. It's been crazy, joyful, memorable and ultimately wonderful.