Defend against zoning in Mañeru after refusing to enter the mixed area
  • The neighbors of Mañeru, supported by the municipal corporation and convened by the Hordago group, have conducted a concentration against zoning. Ten days have passed since Navarra Suma and the PSN closed the door to the proposal of access to the mixed area.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko otsailaren 13a
Igande eguerdian zonifikazioaren aurkako elkarretaratzea egin dute Mañerun. (Argazkia: @garesko_auzalan)

The refusal of the Parliament of Navarra caused pain and discontent in Mañeru, as the Corporation unanimously requested access to the mixed area, since "the Basque language is also the language of Mañeru". Therefore, and beyond Mañeru, the Hordago group and the city council requested the end of the zoning of the Basque country in the concentration convened on Sunday at noon.

The newspaper Berria has gathered that "the citizens of Mañeru do not understand the decision", because they do not see valid arguments for it, but they have highlighted at the bottom of the protest that "they do not intend to give in".

The Mayor of Mañeru, "rabioso"

Before the voting day, when the PSN advanced the vote, Nuria García, Mayor of Mañeru, spoke with ARGIA.

“We are the only village in the valley that continues in the non-Vascophony area; the other towns that six years ago passed into the mixed area and we were left alone. There has been no problem with these peoples, why now? We do not understand the position of the PSN, we do not understand why they are in the negative. Furthermore, the arguments are also incomprehensible. How long do we have to stay in the non-vascophony area?” said the mayor.