The court agrees that the City of Zizur Mayor places Euskera in public positions
  • The City Council of Zizur Mayor took out a call for work that did not contemplate the Basque; a citizen complained of several previous resolutions, and on this occasion the Administrative Court of Navarra has decided that the City Council must comply with the ordinance and therefore score the Basque in the call for work.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko uztailaren 19a
Argazkia: Zizur Nagusiko Udala

In 2021, the City Council convened two lists of janitors, one for bilingual places and the other in Spanish only, in which the Basque Country was not valued as merit, although the Basque Ordinance of the locality says otherwise. The Court has now decided that, according to the ordinance, the job has to do with citizenship, so Euskera has to be valued at 10%.

What did the City Council argue not to value Euskera? It was a selection by way of an opposition (examination) and not by means of a competition (examination and merits), but the ordinance does not provide for this exemption.

The Euskaraz Administration Group reports the news that the experience of the courts in general has not been good: “He has at last applied what the rules say. Let us hope that this line will be kept straight, because resolutions should not be based on personal judgments, but on existing rules.”