The documentary Zizelkariak will give voice to six young people fighting in the peripheries of Euskal Herria, on the shores, in different areas of youth movements: The film stars Arkaitz, Martta, Edurne, Maika, Jon and Ibai.
- Maika Alfaro, a young woman who lives and works in Aldude.Le would like to see the valley of Aldude, young and alive. The guest will talk about depopulation, about empty houses and about the relations that are established in small towns.
- Edurne Sánchez León, a member of the Tudela.Sinti feminist movement, felt the need for feminism from the oppression he suffered as a Basque. Erribera Insumass will talk about the group and about the construction of Euskal Herria from feminism.
- Ibai Osinaga Gogorcena, young musician Lumbier.Mira around her with guitar in hand. He will speak with the sharpened tongue and gubia, with music from the first youth, with the scene of Euskal Herria and singing in Basque from Lumbier.
- Arkaitz López Sánchez, young worker of Mamariaga. Look at Euskal Herria on the left. As a result of deindustrialization, it will talk about the job insecurity of young people and the need for organization and networking.
- Jon Marauri Aranburu, young Moreta.Comenzando to organize popular festivities, created the Assembly of Young People of Rioja Alavesa, with the aim of transforming the area and euskaldunizar it. It will talk about tourism, about the precariousness of wine production and about the dreams that are expected for the future.
- Martta Irigoien Arrabit, young man of Arberatz.Vive the consequences of the diglosia. Taking part in the libertinage, he wanted to put the Basque in the landscape of Amikuze. In the Gaztetxe Aldaka, he is also dedicated to the struggle for Euskera and culture.
Ongoing crowdfunding campaign
To meet the costs generated by the production of the documentary, we have launched a crowdfunding campaign They can contribute both individuals and groups.
The collected material will be used to finance the USB libretto and the presentation tour of the documentary, and at the turn, individuals and collectives will have the opportunity to collect various gifts: the documentary itself, memories, t-shirts, films, the possibility of making presentations… The documentary will be ready for the Durango Fair.