"Surely due to administrative problems related to Israel, the departure of the fleet has been delayed"
Askatasunaren Ontzidiko euskal aktibistak 2024ko apirilaren 21
Eskuinean, Pili Revila eta Mikel Zuloaga 'Mikelon', Askatasunaren Ontzidiko nazioarteko beste bi kiderekin, Istanbulen.

Istanbul, Saturday, 20 April.

Yesterday, day 19, was quiet and we had meetings with people from different parts of the State and international delegations. The organization has explained that they have received 12,000 requests to participate in the fleet, but it will involve 270 international people and more than 200 people in the area.

Today, day 20, from 10:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon, we have been conducting a nonviolent resistance training workshop. Within it, we have carried out simulations to imagine the situations that can occur if the Israeli occupying forces enter the boat towards Gaza and foresee how to deal with them. The situation in the travel of the former Freedom Fleet. Furthermore, we have carried out exercises to practice how we should act in the event of arrest and interrogation by the Zionist police.

From 10:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon we have been conducting a nonviolent resistance training workshop

Surely due to administrative problems relating to Israel, the departure of the fleet has been delayed. It was originally scheduled for tomorrow, day 21.

In order to respond to the aforementioned delay, to show your support for the Palestinian people and to denounce the genocide being carried out by Zionism in Palestine and especially in Gaza, we will be demonstrating tomorrow on the streets of Istanbul at two noon.


Pili Revilla, Agus Gorbea and Mikel Zuloaga 'Mikelon'