Dark times of uncertainty
  • The need to create a humankind that lives under terror has become more evident to us these days, but few still mention what happens after the spread of the coronavirus and the need for vaccines. Meanwhile, mechanisms to increase social control are reinforced and taken to the extreme.
Jexux Larrañaga Arriola 2020ko apirilaren 08a

The sociologist Ulrich Beck [1] explained that the society of fear is a totally cultural phenomenon, as it is constructed through social representations, and the use of communications and collective emotions influences it. When all the mechanisms of terror are activated, society becomes obedient and the only form of discourse (discourse of the head) that emerges from the main institutions (nations/states and dependent institutional institutions) becomes a guaranteed legitimacy in society. Authoritarianism needs a fertilizing soil to flourish the society of fear. The symptom that society is experiencing today is the discomfort caused by the influence of the extreme neoliberal system. As Gabilondo says[4], it is a question of understanding why this situation generated by the coronavirus presents us as an unprecedented horizon of uncertainty and anxiety, and not as it is actually what it is, that is, a logical, clear and direct consequence of the economic and social order called coronavirus, capitalist, neoliberal and heteropatriarchal.

Agambem has just told us that the general and permanent state of emergency in the state will increase under the guise of coronavirus. There is an increasing tendency to use the state of emergency as a paradigm of normal government. The Law Decree immediately approved by the government "for reasons of health and public safety" […] implies a true militarization of all regions, as it is virtually impossible for other cases not to happen elsewhere. […] It seems that having exhausted terrorism as a cause of exceptional measures, inventing an epidemic can offer an ideal excuse to extend it beyond all limits. As a result of the serious situation in which we find ourselves, we have territories in quarantine, we live a parentheses of social, educational, sports and labor activity on a large scale, forced by institutional decisions and government decrees, the war discourse has prevailed in the political authorities as a consequence of the declaration of war against the virus of the “state of alarm”, the army, the military and the police have taken over the confinement of civil society. All of this is happening as a result of the epidemic caused by the new strain of coronavirus.

"What we're seeing is that there's a dark side behind all the plagues that spread in the world over the past few decades."

On the other hand, those who run the World Health Organization are working online with government organizations, but sometimes there is also information that does not fit. What we're looking at is that there's a dark side behind all the plagues that spread in the world over the last few decades. On the one hand, there is the interest of state nations that submit to the interests of geopolitical marketing, the game of power relations between nations (Yearning to be the strongest power of the nation, fight for the hegemony of the economic order, etc. ). On the other hand, despite the fact that we know that vaccine manufacturers, government institutions and financial institutions are involved in a large industry, it is clear that the pest meter is increasingly being tightened. In fact, when a new plague spreads, the creation of a global vaccination programme is once again being targeted. Right now, when the fight for the vaccine begins, it is the power and the playing field of international interests that brings the most benefits. In this context, it has shown us that the privatization of pharmaceutical lobbies exceeds market limits and its power/interest is enormous. On this occasion, the vaccination business that will spread worldwide is becoming the largest evidence that is repeated year after year with different names, be it Corona, HIV, AIDS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, etc.

Today, for the Drug Lobby, the coronavirus is on its way to becoming an opportunity to perform a major marketing operation. To do this, making the population sick has been a starting premise, a question that anyone can ask in this situation, but it is not a superficial question to know if the new strain was created or has been manipulated naturally in the Chinese market of Wuham. The scientific community has forcibly rejected the second option. Even though a few voices have risen, we have felt them when it comes to making them quiet. Yes, we are now concerned about permanence, for the good of all mankind (the need for confinement).

Now, the threat, being out of control of the person, carries a serious risk of death, “Death Drive”[6], a disease that has become an uncontrollable threat, the path of spread has turned it into a pandemic and has taken the place of the collective threat. On one occasion, when the urgent need to set in motion a mechanism to create a new vaccine or medicine, lobbies have had the open way to justify the need for a vaccine on a global scale. Klein[7] The consequence is that “indoctrination of shock” is used, first a state of “shock” is generated in people and then an operation is found to take advantage of the situation of lack of protection (management of collective emotions and capital that will benefit from fear). The triggering factor is the situation of fear that has spread in the consciences of individuals, since once the society of fear has been established, the way to stop the plague could justify everything. For example, oppression of the basic needs and rights of groups not considered is far from being overcome. (Because the confinement situation will never occur from the point of departure of the same privileges and social constraints; the privileges of some may lead to the death sentence of many others).

"For pharmacological lobbies, the coronavirus is on its way to becoming an opportunity to perform a gigantic marketing operation"

Vaccine manufacturers, government organizations and financial institutions are increasingly pressing the "pandemic" button and need the discipline of collective emotions and the use of social control, as we have already said, while lobbies are constantly working in the hope of the gigantic global vaccination programme to justify their dark business. The corruption of pharmacological lobbies has been well documented for a long time. Now is the time to mention one of the objectives hidden in the projects of various alliances, that is, the establishment of digital identification for each of the human beings of the earth. The round business would be to combine obligatory vaccines with microchips, through the panic extended to people, affecting the robotization of human nature: to turn each individual into a numbering and into something that controls within a screen, into a hijacking of subjectivity and into certain scientific parameters to control the biological body. We are already living in the era of the superiority of biopower, which before was nothing more than a distant nightmare, is increasingly cerca.El a program of numerical identity, with the aim of benefiting from vaccination, is nothing more than training to carry out a project of integrating small microchips into the body of people, if no limit is placed to this extreme neoliberal system that has already led us to collapse. And meanwhile, big software producers know that they are co-owners of the coronavirus vaccine, even through the Pirbright Institute (Preventing and controlling viral diseases). That environment is very dark and only feeds according to the interests that the money sends out. The interests of all the owners are already crossed and this could be the conclusion, hypothesized as research: global alliances for the promotion of the vaccine would help finance and use vaccines to force people to establish control mechanisms, until the transition of the microchip. It will be a way to go gradually, but the darkness of the time we live puts us in the moment we start to see that threshold. This terrible project, which seeks total robotization and control of the human being, can be formulated for the time being as a antecedent hypothesis. It's up to us to be attentive. In the meantime, the society of fear has taken a new step, and all of that is happening on a global scale. As Gabilondo says, we need an apocalyptic thought of the current policy in the literal sense of the word: The revelation means revelation, that is, covering/discovering what was covered, thus allowing to reach the truth in the act of revelation, lifting the mating.

  1. He was a German sociologist Ulrich Beck and author of "The Society of Risk". He was a professor at the University of Munich and at the London School of Economics. According to him, the main concern of the authority would be the distribution of risk in the Caribbean country.
  1. As French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan used, the “Discourse of the Head” is situated in the struggle for subordination and domination, in a form of discourse that seeks to become obedient to the superior. This discourse was based on the dialectic of the master and slave developed by Hegel.
  1. The symptom in the psychoanalytic sense, that is, the expression of the conflict that hides. The symptom reveals what it wants to cover. Gabilondo says he needs an apocalyptic thought of current politics in the literal sense of the word: The revelation means revelation, that is, covering/discovering what was covered, thus allowing to reach the truth in the act of revelation, lifting the mating.
  1. Apocalypse, Biopolitics and Impeachment: Precariousness in Cholera, La
  1. Comments on the Plague, A Voce Blog (March 27, 2020)
  1. Vital and Death Pulsions – Sigmund Freud in his work Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920) separated the two pulse categories in the context of the second topic. This is a dualism in which the opposites are proposed but which, at the same time, are joining indiscriminately. Buy and mortification, Tanatos.
  1. Klein, Naomi. The doctrine of shock: The rise of the capitalism of disaster. Barcelona: Booket, 2012


Jexux Larrañaga Arriola.

Social anthropologist.














