The poster of the 17th edition of the Zinegoak festival is already on the street
  • The story of love between two women is the protagonist of the poster, which tells the story. One woman is cis and the other trans.La author of the poster is the photographer Mar Saez. @uriolaeus 2020ko urtarrilaren 08a
© Mar Saez, VEGAP, Madrid, 2020. Argazkiaren jatorria: VEGAPeko Irudi Bankua.

The international film and performing arts festival gaylesbitrans in Bilbao will be held between 24 February and 8 March under the slogan "In a thousand ways, to feel/love/live". Photography is part of the project "Vera y Victoria".

Zinegoak wanted to focus this year on the diversity of opportunities offered by sexual diversity as an individual. Cis lesbian women, trans heterosexual men, couples of bisexual people…

PAU Gillen, director of the festival, has stated that "when we talk about sexual diversity, we are talking about more than the sexual orientation of people". Thus, Gillen explained that this year's poster coincides with this idea to "be able to address all these issues through an image of great aesthetic and artistic quality".

Finally, before the beginning of the festival, various activities will be carried out in the section "3.1...Zinegoak" along with other associations and entities.