The Ziburu Book and Record Fair honours Daniel Landart this year
  • The Baltsan de Ziburu association has presented the 5th edition of the book and album fair in Basque. There will be 41 publishers (most of the old ones), they will occupy 120 meters of exhibitors among all (most of the old ones) with reading and music in Basque and for half an hour in the program you will be able to enjoy an event: six presentations of books, four small concerts... this year Daniel Landart will be the honoree and Arantxa will take part in the round table "Zubiburu".
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2024ko maiatzaren 07a

Under the motto "Euskara ala ezkara", Maddi Zubeldia, member of the Baltsan association, has read the situation: "There has been a great contribution to the Basque literature (here it emerged) and, especially in Lapurdi, it has been a great literary tradition. We are nothing more than a link in that chain in favour of the Basque country that has gone through the centuries, and we too want to contribute simply to our language. For more reasons that we dare the opposite winds, that a ikastola cannot be built in a Beskoitze, that the French colonial administration refuses to pass the tests in Basque, and that the same ones that have brought the Basque Country to the agony to perfuse to make us doubt that the Basque language in Navarre becomes a Navarros language, but that it is not guaranteed to all of them. Drunk victim: you had to dare, you have dared! ".

Ladix Arrosagarai, member of the Baltsan association, has highlighted the objectives with which the Ziburu Feria del Libro y del Disco Vasco de Ziburu was created: "To offer those who learn or know Euskera a full day of relationships, exchanges, reflections, debates, knowledge to live in Euskera with tranquility, normality and naturalness, something forced to express, translate and have fun". The motto of the fair was Euskara ala ezkara, and Arrosagarai explained that this motto was conceived by Gotzon Garate, and that Izarra Euskaltzaleon Topagunea de Elgoibar organizes annually with the City Hall of Elgoibar meetings on the Basque, in honor of Garate. The Elgoibartars have shown their satisfaction in using the motto Ziburu as well, hoping that it "will contribute to spreading its message to more places in the Basque Country".

Prosperous place of letters and melodies in Basque

Jenofa Berhokoirigoin, ARGIA member, explained the characteristics of this year’s fair. The number of publishers and record companies will be 41 (36 last year). Of these, 9 will be for the first time in the fair of Ziburu: 3 record labels or self-producers, 2 magazines and 4 book publishers. Among all the publishers will occupy 120 meters of counter (last year was 112 meters).

A tribute will be paid to Daniel Landart during half an hour of the day, followed by a colloquium with playwright Arantxa Hirigoien in the round table "Zubiburu", six presentations of books throughout the day in space enabled for this in front of the Casa Consistorial, a children's show by the hand of Kiriizkibil company and a concert of verso.

These are the five musical groups that will be heard in Ziburu: Lumi, Bloño, Aeroplane and Pelax.

The fair, new this year

In order to extend the fair of Ziburu to nearby areas and create a previous atmosphere, this year the fair has been organized for the first time, in collaboration with a local agent. 50 people met on May 2 in Mirande, director Josu Martínez, to see the draft documentary of a film.

The next appointment will take place today in Azkain, with the intervention of Ander Lipus, actor and author of the theater book Labirintoan-I.

In Urruña, Berttoli, on May 17, with the book "The Tale is a Deceit" by Iban Zaldua, a musical reading will be performed accompanied by the musician MICE. And finally, on May 23, at the Mediateque of San Juan de Luz, Maitena Duhalde will present his thesis: Lapurdi itsas hegiko euskara.

City Hall of Ziburu and EKE: "He has managed to have an annual appointment"

The Casa Consistorial and the Instituto Vasco de Cultura de Ziburu are the promoters of the Fair of Ziburu. Fanny Lascube, representative of the Casa Consistorial, and Maia Etxandi, representative of EKE, have highlighted that during these years the fair of Ziburu has reached the referentiality, becoming an important quote of the year. And that contributes a lot to the Basque Country by taking the work that is done to the plaza and offering a space to work all day in Basque.

Member of the Doinuele network

Fairs in Basque that are held in different places in the Basque Country came together and a year and a half ago the Doinuele network was presented. "Thanks to this collaboration, we are not alone", has been valued by the organization of Ziburu, and has set as an example that the spectacular children's show that will be offered this year at the fair of Ziburu will be offered by the company Kiribil, organizer of the Ikusi Mikusi Fair of Sara, the result of the relationship that has been consolidated in Doinuel.

The Euskaltzales have warned that through these fairs a route of places can be made entirely in Basque throughout the year: two stages of this journey have already passed, in January in Baztan and in April in Azkoitia. The third will take place on 24-25-26 May with the Literaturia event in Zarautz. Ziburu will continue on 1 June.