Ziburu IV. The Feria del Libro y del Disco Vasco has a program of activities
  • The Baltsan Association and the ARGIA medium organize Ziburu 4. Feria del Libro y Disco Vascos on June 3, with the participation of Euskal Irratia, Euskal Hiri Elkargoa, Euskal Kultur Erakundea and the people of Ziburu. The fair will be held on Saturday in the town square, in the hostel, from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. Here's the full program.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko maiatzaren 19a
Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY-SA

10:00 hours. Opening ceremony: conference, tribute to Luzien Etxezaharreta.

10:15 hours. Zubiburu round table. Two editors shall participate: Luzien Etxezaharreta (May) and Leire Lopez Ziluaga (Susa).

11:00 horas.Espectacular children's makilakixki at the old source, given by Maddi Zubeldia and Bernadette Lur. The goal is that boys and girls from all schools in Ziburu can speak in Basque, or at least listen and sing outside school.

11:30 hours. Packaging: The comic book Ño (ARGIA), Eli Pagola, Maitane Gartziandia.

12:00 hours. Packaging: Maite Idirin, singing for the people (UEU), Ur Apalategi Idirin, Jokin Apalategi, Paulo Iztueta.

12:30 hours. Sketch session: spontaneous action and artistic feat that combines comics and bertso. Marrakatue and Aitor Txantxerina will draw, while Unai Iturriaga and Maddalen Arzallus sing in verse.

13:00 hours. Lunch break. The ikastola Kaskarotenia will sell stems.

14:00 hours. Short concert: Peio Erramuzpe (Usopop)

15:00 hours. Afternoon rediffusion.

Packaging: Basque press exhibition by students of the professional branch of the Etxepare 2.eko.

Short concert: Adrian Pérez (Valen).

15:30 hours. Mood program: Maryse Urruty is an author and playwright who, with her sense of rigorous humor, thread the laziness of the table.

16:00 hours. Packaging: Nostalgia is not for sale the Collection of Tales (May), Xan Idiart.

16:30 Short concert: Nice de Patxu (Baga biga).

17:00 Presentation: Bichta Éder (Elkar) novel by Eneko Bidegain.

17:30 Presentation: Translation of Petrokalipsis (Txalaparta), by Antonio Turiel. The translator Joseba Barriola Zabaleta and the editor Garazi Arrula Ruiz

18:00 Presentation: Collection of poems Meat Reforms, (Pamiela), Mari Luz Esteban.

18:30 Short concert: Ixabe (Maitakultura).

19:00 Market gut.

20:00 Concert: Group of branches. The gas Arnaud Bibonne and the folk group formed by the Basque Maider Martineau Zubieta will fill with vitality and energy by joining boha, podoritmia, alboka, trikitixa, pandero and canto.

Throughout the day, in the patio or entrance of the Casa Consistorial, two exhibitions will be presented in the ikastolas: one Basque press envelope, prepared by the students of the professional branch of the Etxepare 2.eko (DBH 4). The other will be completed with comics by the students of Piarres Larzabal College 4.eko (DBH 2) of Ziburu.