Civilian killed in Donetsk bombing of the Ukrainian army
  • At least 54 people, according to the People ' s Republic of Donetsk, have been evacuated from a civilian building in the city of Donetsk and one person has died following the bombings in Ukraine.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2022ko martxoaren 30
Donetsk hiriko eraikin bat, Ukrainako armadaren erasoaren ostean.

This morning, early in the morning, the Ukrainian army has bombed a civilian building in the city of Donetsk, in which one person has died, and a girl has had to be hospitalized with four other injuries. According to the People’s Republic, rescue work has begun at 08:05 hours, and about 54 people have had to be evacuated from the building.