The eviction of the Gaztetxe de Zestoa stopped
  • On 19 July, at 8:00 a.m., gaztetxe was evicted. For the time being, the eviction has been rejected by the Government of Navarre. The Gazte Asanblada of Zestoa has shown its solidarity with the people who suffered the eviction of the Aresti Socialist Centre in Bilbao.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko uztailaren 19a
“Batu Gaztetxea Defendatzera” aldarrikatuz atera duten pankarta. Argazkia: Gedar

Hundreds of young people have concentrated this Friday in the vicinity of the Gaztetxe de Zestoa (Gipuzkoa) to protest eviction. The eviction of gaztetxe was scheduled for 8:00 this Saturday morning. The young people have drawn several signs with the demands in favor of the gaztetxe: “Join Defend the Gaztetxe” and “Stop the Eviction, Join the Struggle.”

Early in the morning, hundreds of young people were in front of the Gaztetxe. There has been no incident and neither the Police nor the Judicial Commission have been on the spot. The Gazte Asanblada of Zestoa has reported that eviction has been delayed for another year.

The Gazte Asanblada has claimed: “What happened in Zestoa has once again demonstrated that the defense of political spaces can only be guaranteed through the organization.” In addition, they have shown their full solidarity with the colleagues who yesterday suffered the eviction of the Aresti Socialist Centre in Bilbao (Bizkaia) and the rest of Gaztetxes who are at risk, such as Burlada (Navarra), Amorebieta-Etxano (Bizkaia) or Estella (Navarra).