Euskararen Eguneko ekimena Gasteizko Andre Maria Zuriaren plazan. / Argazkia: Alea
At the gates of December 3, Euskera International Day is celebrated in many corners of the world, but there are some curiosities that are not well known about this celebration:
Did you know that Basque Day is entirely related to San Francisco Javier? Francis died on 3 December 1552, and according to legend, the last words before his death were in his mother tongue, that is, in Basque.
Did you know that in 1949 Eusko Ikaskuntza established Euskera International Day? Eusko Sare retrieved the document of the first edition of the International Day of the Basque Country:
Writing of the Basque Day of 1949. / Source: Basque Government
Did you know that in 1995 the Basque Government and Euskaltzaindia joined together to institutionalize the International Day of the Basque Country?
Did you know that Basque Day has had several names? In the first edition was used the Day of the Asparagus and in the following years we have seen it as the Day of the Eucharist or the Day of the Euzkara. Currently, Euskera Day or International Euskera Day are used.
'Euzkera Day', Euzko Deya newspaper article (1949). / Source: Eusko Ikaskuntza - Society of Basque Studies
Did you know that Euskera International Day is celebrated not only in the Basque Country, but also in other countries of the world? We know, at least, that in Mexico, Barcelona, Washington, Buenos Aires and Paris Euskera is also celebrated on 3 December.