New ruling in Basque against public institutions that want to work in Basque
  • In a competition launched by the Basque Government to work in the public sector, companies have been asked to submit that workers have the right Basque level to communicate in Basque with the administration. The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has suspended its demand as a “tax”.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko martxoaren 29a
Epaiak aurrekaria ezartzen du eta zaplaztekoa ematen die euskaraz aritu nahi duten erakunde publikoei. Argazkia: Zarateman/Wikipedia

One company has come to court against the conditions imposed by the Department of Education in the hiring of school transport, including the linguistic profile. In accordance with the conditions set out in the competition, the company that contracts the Administration, which will provide the public service, must ensure that the staff has the appropriate Basque level to be able to relate in Basque with the Administration. In February, the company was approved by the Administrative Division No. 1. Sections.

The resolution, according to Berria, “This room has already said earlier that the requirement of public employees cannot be imposed on the workers of a private company, as regards linguistic criteria.”

Supporting public institutions active in Basque

This requirement for companies operating in the public sector is not new, nor is it the first time that it has been demanded, but a decision has never been taken against it. This judgment, however, sets a precedent as to the language that companies must use in their relationship with the administration, and opposes municipalities, deputies and public bodies in general who wish to express themselves in Basque. What and what sentences in Basque?

It sets the precedent, because again it has resolutions, as they have analysed in Berria: so far, the rulings against the linguistic profile that companies must have with their customers and with the citizens – the last, Uliazpi case – have pronounced on the linguistic relationship that companies must maintain with the administration.

The Basque Government is studying the appeal, adds Berria.