What will happen in Navarre from 1 October?
  • On Tuesday, President María Txibite announced the end of the restrictive measures against coronavirus. This has given rise to many questions and doubts among the public. We have endeavoured to respond to them.
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What measures will be relaxed from 1 October?

On Friday, all the restrictive measures against covid19 by the Government of Navarra will be suspended, with the exception of some related to Education and Sport.

In any case, the use of a face mask will continue to be mandatory indoors and outdoors provided that a safe distance of metro and a half cannot be maintained. Among other things, because the use of the kiss is regulated by the Government of Spain.

What will happen to schedules and forums?

We return to the situation before the pandemic, with the exception of sport.

Therefore, in hospitality, for example, you can consume in bar in bars. Dancing in party rooms. Stand up during concerts.

Hospitality associations have welcomed the news, but have shown concern about who will control the use of the mask in these conditions.

Why will sport be an exception?

Because in sports shows the capacities and protocols are agreed between the Government of Spain and the autonomous communities. At 8 a.m. today a working meeting has been opened. And at that meeting the Government of Navarre will support the recovery of 100% of El Sadar's capacity.

What will happen in teaching?

At least one step forward: Since they detect a positive in a Primary Education group, not all group members should be quarantined. They will be tested for coronavirus. In Early Childhood Education, however, they will continue to be quarantined.

It remains to be clarified what will happen to the other protocols. Students spend seven hours a day with the kiss. In the patio and in the gymnastics they must be masked.

The Government of Navarre says that they will decide this today, at the meeting they will hold with the Government of Spain and with the other communities. But the Government of Navarra has the exclusive competence for the educational protocol to decide its box.

Another question: continuous working hours. It seems that it will not be reviewed until next December.

What effect have vaccines had?

The lehendakari, María Txibite, and the councillor, Santos Indurain, offered no doubt about yesterday’s Board of Spokesmen’s decision.

According to data from Induráin, 9 out of 10 Navarros older than 12 years have received the full vaccine. Specifically, 77 per cent of the total population. As a result, more than 2,900 infections and more than 1,300 deaths have been averted as a result of this outbreak.

Age 30 to 39 years.

What is the epidemiological situation at the moment?

Yesterday, 23 positive tests were detected in the Foral Community of Navarra. In Navarre, the number of infections has declined uninterruptedly over the past ten weeks, according to the Foral Police. The positivity has been 2% in the last ten days. The cumulative incidence in 14 days was 53 per 100,000 inhabitants on yesterday's day. It will often go down to 50. The risk is therefore low. There are twelve people in the ICUs. 27 hospitalized.

What can we expect from the Public Health System?

Councillor Indurain announced yesterday that she will seek to recover as soon as possible the level of presential grazing prior to the pandemic at all levels of the public health system. This is an urgent need.