This report has been published by Euskalerria Irratia and we have brought it thanks to the Creative Commons license.
Navarre will have six Members and four Senators in Madrid: Ana Beltrán (pp), Sergio Sayas (na+), Carlos García Adanero (na+), Santos Cerdán (PSN), Conchi Ruiz (PSN), Ione Belarra (Unidas Podemos), Alberto Català (na+), Amelia Saleno (ITA+), Toni Eva (Unidas). What have you declared as wealth and income? Here's some data:
The president of pp de Navarra and the deputy from Madrid Ana Beltrán said that she has 547,000 euros in current accounts and that she has four homes in Navarra, Huesca, Málaga and Zaragoza. In addition, he has indicated that in Zaragoza he also has a rural building and a plot of land in the rural area. It has also recognized that it has 25% of the four industrial ships. The Parliament of Navarre has registered an income of EUR 58,481, while in Madrid it has received EUR 150,000 for the sale of a house it owned. In particular, it charges EUR 700 for rent for a home and owes EUR 495,000 for the loan it keeps with the banks for rent. It also has shares worth 318,000 euros and a car of the brand Mercedes.
For his part, Sergio Sayas, from Navarra Suma, received EUR 38,000 from the Parliament of Navarra. The man has confessed that he has a flat and a home in which he has a family heritage, in Bilbao. It has a balance of 106,000 euros in its current account. The bank owes a loan of EUR 121,000 and a loan of EUR 31,000. It also has a car of the brand Lancia.
Parliamentarian Carlos García Adanero received EUR 39,600 from the foreign parliament and EUR 14.400 from the coordinator of the UPN parliamentary group, to which Patxi López belongs. In Pamplona it has a floor at 50% and in its current account it has a balance of 4,738 euros. It has a debt of EUR 201,350, as it contracted a loan with the bank.
What do the Socialists have? Likewise, Santos Cerdán received 64,200 euros from the PSOE payroll, owns a home and has a current account for which he charges 9,700 euros. The debt to the bank amounts to EUR 32,172 for a loan and EUR 41,800 for a Volvo car that it purchased in April.
Conchi Ruiz received 43,725 euros from Parliament, 5,198 euros from the Department of Education for seniority and 459 euros for being a councilor in the City of San Adrián. In Navarre there are two homes, one in 50% and the other in 10% for one inheritance. It also has a 50% premises and a 10% plot. It has declared having EUR 24,000 in its current account and a loan with the bank of EUR 15584 in sovereign debt. It consists of two cars: Hyundai and Suzuki.
Ione Belarra, from Unidas Podemos, has recognised that he has EUR 61,000 in his current account and that he has received EUR 56,500 for his work. There is no evidence of a loan.
Navarra Suma, Amelia Salanueva, notes that he has a home in an investment fund of 276,763, a stock exchange of 9,981 and a current account of 49,415. Savings plan EUR 59,300 and EUR 3,700 in pension schemes. It has three vehicles: A Mercedes, BMW and VW polo shirt. The loan with the bank amounts to EUR 21.125.
Alberto Catalunya has received EUR 47,200 from Parliament for agricultural work, EUR 356 for agricultural work and EUR 12.107 for building rentals. It has 50% of a property owned and 50% of an apartment owned. It has EUR 29,500 in the current account and pension funds EUR 94,700. He has also acknowledged that he has two cars: A Volskwagen Golf and a Volkswagen Touran. It also has two loans: It must for them EUR 46,000.
Ruth Goñi received a total of 11,316 euros from Citizens and a total of 19,987 euros from the buildings it has for rent in Navarra. He said that he has one floor on his property and that he has two descents. It has EUR 37,400 in the current account. It has recognised that it has an investment fund of EUR 1,971,452 and a participative loan of EUR 291,000 through a Navarre rental company.
Finally, socialist Antonio Magdaleno has declared an income of 44,356 euros for the work he did at the University of Cantabria and 3,300 euros for tutor work at the Distance University. It has 42,000 euros in its current account and has 50% of a home and half of an apartment owned. The SEAT Exeo also has a 50% car, while the SEAT is out. It has 5,860 euros in shares in the Banco Santander.