The current system generates desires and makes them false needs. For this purpose, it uses advertising that calls for constant and excessive consumption, through social networks, television, etc. So they sell us the ideal life and happiness, the wasteful life and luxury.
This artificial link is more evident on holidays, even more so on summer holidays. After a year of precarious and high-speed work, we claim the right to go on holiday and to consume on their behalf any consumption (cupboard renovation, cheap flights, consumption of villages, summer credits…). Living in sufficiency is living quiet and dignified all year round.
Luxury and waste, hand in hand with life, we have put them in the spotlight and claim sufficiency for the dignified and desirable lives of all people.
Countries with more disparity tend to have higher levels of contamination, violence and worse health data, as they start a never-ending cycle of increased status. That is, disparity is anti-ecological. And of course, unfair: the richest 1% of the world's population has shed as much as the poorest 2/3. On the contrary, the Climate Vulnerability Monitor ensures that countries in the Global South will bear between 2/3/4 of all costs of the carbon economy. There is a kind of “colonization of the atmosphere”, according to Malm, as the injustice that once traveled aboard the boat is now in the private jet of Taylor Swift and Jeff Bezos.
To air pollution is added cultural pollution during the holiday period, transforming territories and societies, commodification them, as well as our gastronomy, culture, cities or landscapes (Vueling, Airbnb and BBKLive). What changes does our rapid tourism produce in other towns?
Development in the name of GDP, tourism in the name of development, tourism in the name of tourism, and the disappearance of local services and shops: the local fabric dissolves by turning neighbourhoods into theme parks. But satisfying those false needs doesn't produce anything like luxury. Life modes, work and precarious planets and turbo-holiday holidays are the same capitalist economy. Private jet aircraft are scandalous, but it is not acceptable for Loiu airport to achieve the record of 6.33 million passengers at its airports last year.
A good life is one that meets both individual and collective basic needs, a system of public-community care, for example. It is essential to eliminate the differences in order to implement the structural change that this good life needs. Society will not feel involved in a collective effort, while it feels that there are people who escape from it. That's why it's so important to limit the behavior of the rich and those unsustainable ways of living so that we can talk about collective living conditions. Who leaves the private car while there are private jet engines?
Cultural transformation is essential to imagine and desire a way of life based on sufficiency. Luxury is aspiration in our societies. But this luxury is only available to a few, in a system that increases competition and inequalities between each other. We want to reclaim the value of sufficiency in order to reduce social inequalities and mitigate the climate emergency. Sufficiency is not austerity, but it is to eradicate the consumerism of well-being. The idea that "better and better" is widespread, but few things follow this rule. Most of the things that are indispensable in the abuse society are diminished.
We have to learn to live within the biogeophysical boundaries of the earth in a society that has placed no limit on economic growth. If so far the minimum wage or minimum services have been mentioned, it would make sense to reduce abuse by limiting properties, setting maximum incomes, or taking the measure of consumption (water, petrol, CO2 emissions, waste). Within the limits of living conditions, we must organise a decline in consumption to meet our needs. It is a wealth of few material goods, but of great relational richness. Sufficiency consists of being what is necessary (and no more and no less).
Do we go to the base to prevent leakage?