Health Workers Face U.S. Lockdown Protests
  • The city of Denver, in Colorado, has been the scene this Sunday of a caravan of cars and motorcycles against confinement, which claims the right of workers from non-essential sectors. In the face of these protests, health workers have concentrated, without responding to protesters’ provocations.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 20a
Osasun langileak konfinamenduaren aurkako protestak mozten. Argazkia: New York Post.

“You can work, why not?” said a woman who was protesting the health worker in front of her. It was hundreds, like him, who asked to expand non-essential sectors by touching the mouths of cars.

Most of them carried United States flags and slogans were produced such as "the virus of death, not the economy", among others. Tension between protesters and health workers continued until the emergence of the Police, although they did not respond to protesters’ appeals.

Numerous protests

Colorado's are not the only protests against confinement in the United States, as there were protests in Utah, Idaaho and Washington on Sunday. Although all these protests have been peaceful, protests by some states, such as Michigan, have also left violent images in the city centre.

Social distancing = communism

In the protests, the territory of freedom has been claimed, and social distancing has been called communism. They say they have the right to go to hairdressers or any other non-essential business. "If you want communism, go to China," you've told the toilets in front of you.

Posters that equate social distancing with communism. Photo: Chicks on the Right.