New Zealand accepts the drop paid in cases of sudden abortions
  • The majority of the New Zealand parliament has decided to grant three days of leave to women and their partners who have suffered natural abortion.
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New Zealand law grants workers a curative permit in the event of the death of the fetus after 20 weeks, but the new legislation will allow it to be used in the event of the loss of the baby at any time. It shall apply to parents, couples of parents and surrogate adoptions or pregnancies. This measure is expected to become law over the coming weeks.

The first country to take a step forward in legislation on sudden abortion has not been New Zealand. In the case of India, women have a six-week permit, but in most cases they do not have a contract or do informal work, so they cannot make use of this option. However, it is expected to be the first law to adapt to the reality of women suffering abortion at any time.

Mrs Jan Logie pointed out that one of the objectives of the project was to break this ‘taboo’. "Many women continue to suffer miscarriage," he said. One in four women in New Zealand have suffered a sudden abortion and about 20,000 women suffer sudden abortions or fetal deaths.