What family is hiding behind the company Green Capital, which wants to install four wind farms in Gipuzkoa?
  • The company Green Capital Development plans to build four wind farms in Gipuzkoa: Karakate, Buruzai, Trekutz and Eskeltzuko. Who are behind this company? Brothers Jesus and Gloria Martín Bueza. According to the newspaper El Mundo, this family ranks 113 among the richest in the Spanish state in 2022, with a net worth of EUR 500 million.
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Jesus Martin Buezas, Green Capital Development enpresako eta Capital Energyko jabeetakoa.

Jesús and Gloria Martin Bueza are the joint managers of the company Green Capital Development, explained in more detail at the end of the article, and the founders of the company Capital Energy in 2002, led by Gloria.

Main promoter of renewable energy in the Spanish State

Capital Energy was born with the intention of absorbing in the renewable energy sector in Spain. The Public Media published in 2020 that 192 of the 288 renewable energy projects processed in the Spanish State in that year were owned by Capital Energy (of the 39,068 MW that were capable of generating these projects, 21,615MW). The company acknowledges that it has started to build and manage renewable energy plants and that it wants to become an "energy market" in the medium to long term.

In 2021 he won the state auction of renewable energy licences with Forestalia (from the Samper family). With this, it has obtained licenses for the construction of projects with a total power of 1,548 MW, of which 1,500 are wind turbines. The company has a workforce of 390 workers and plans an investment of EUR 10 billion until 2026.

In February of this year Capital Energy has just sold to Repsol a portfolio of 25,000 customers.

Capital Energy has built the solar plate plant of Ekain in Álava, with the participation of the Basque Government, Petronor, Iberdrola and the Mondragon Group.

Gloria Martin Bueza, owner of Green Capital Development and Capital Energy, and director of the latter.
Football is also a cacique

In addition to all this, Jesús Martín BuFlorentino is an ex-irons of Perez, president of Real Madrid football and of the business group ACS, as he was married to the daughter of Cuchi Pérez Sandoval.

Capital Energy is a brand that appears on the Atlético de Madrid T-shirts, sponsored by this group.

Capital Energy Subsidiary Catramilized Business Fabric

Green Capital Development, which aims to build four wind turbines in Gipuzkoa, and Green Capital Power and Greenalia Wind Power, are subsidiaries of the macrostructure that aims to absorb the renewable sector Capital Energy. Although it is limited only to the Green Capital Development, which aims to influence Gipuzkoa, it is not easy to follow the connections between this business network, since there are dozens of associated companies, Green Capital Development, distributed throughout the Spanish State, which use a number to designate each of these parties. For example, the wind farm in Eskeltzu will be built by "Green Capital Development XLIV S.L.U".

Given the relationship of managers of the company "Green Capital Development 123 SL", based in the Madrid town of Pozuelo de Alarcón, among the joint administrative officers are Jesús and María Gloria, of the Martin Bueza family, along with Juan José Sánchez Domínguez and Raquel Bonafonte Gómez.

Round table on wind farms that Green Capital wants to build in Gipuzkoa on 21 July

In order to inform the public about the project of the Ezkeltzu windmills that they want to build on the grounds of Zizurkil and Usurbil, and to weave the relations between the peoples affected by this type of project, Andatza-Eskeltzu Bizirik organized a round table: Associations will be involved against other projects of the company Green Capital in Gipuzkoa, as well as members of the Navarro group Urbasa – Andía Bizirik.

The talk will take place on Thursday, July 21 at 19:00 at the Casa de Cultura Iriarte.