The second day of the Beterri Saretuz programme will analyse the keys to promoting participation in companies, this Thursday at Iturola Elkarlan Sorgunea, from 9:30 a.m. Participation is one of the pillars of the transformative economy and its objective is to create a pioneering regional ecosystem based on that value. Vocational training, development agencies, social entrepreneurs and administration are also active in this ecosystem, in addition to businesses.
The first day was held on 7 November in Orona-Ideo, Hernani. Forty people from companies and institutions from Beterri-Buruntza met to reflect on different experiences. After contrasting the conclusions drawn and identifying the possible key areas for encouraging participation in companies, a new workshop session will be held on 13 February in Iturola.
Through work tables, these keys will be deepened, such as training, accompaniment, empowerment, financing, solidarity values... We will analyze what they can do in each sector so that working people can participate more in the ownership, structure and territory of companies. The registration period remains open.
The Beterri Saretuz programme is funded by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and provides for the creation of a guide in the format necessary for its use by the agents and companies of the region. To do so, they shall hold a third and final session.
Video of the first day: