A man is arrested in Pamplona for seven sexual attacks
  • It was first denounced in October and has been denounced six other times. They leave it to the judge on the weekend. In November, a centre will be opened for women victims of male violence in Pamplona.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko otsailaren 14a
Jose Luis Arasti Nafarroako Gobernuko ordezkaria, Javier Remirez Nafarroako Lehendakaritza, Berdintasun, Funtzio Publiko eta Barne sailburu eta lehen lehendakariordea eta Eva Isturiz NABIko zuzendaria, zentroko aurkezpenean (Argazkia: Nafarroako Gobernua)

A 20-year-old man is arrested in Pamplona on Friday for seven sexual attacks. A complaint was filed for the first time in October at the Municipal Police of Pamplona and six other complaints were filed later, describing similar conduct. Victims say the aggressor was cycling and talking and touching women with obscene words. They leave it to the judge on the weekend.

Centre for Victims of Male Violence

Opening of a center for women victims of male violence in Navarra, for victims over 16 years old. It is a joint project between the Government of Navarra and the Navarro Institute for Equality NABI, which will remain open 24 hours a year.

The centre is planned to open in November in the Arrosadía district of Pamplona, near the universities to be close to the young. In fact, male violence is the age at which most complaints occur. According to the NABI annual report, 82 per cent of the complaints received by the Police in 2021 were made by women under 30 years of age.

The service may be telematic or on-site. Those who have suffered violence in the past will also be able to come and there will be no need for police reporting. Depending on the circumstances, they will provide information and guidance services, psychological care, legal advice, management of economic and social needs, among others.