Seven detainees accused of bringing migrants across borders in exchange for money
  • The arrests have taken place in Navarre, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia. The detainees had an organized network to transport immigrants from Africa to the French State, as reported by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 25a
Azken bi hilabeteetan 60 bat bidaia egin dituzte Frantziako Estatura. / Argazkia: migratzaileak Gipuzkoa eta Lapurdi artean, artxiboko irudian.

The Civil Guard has arrested seven people in a joint police operation with the French Gendarmerie and Europol, which has resulted in two injuries. The Civil Guard has pointed out that the people who arrived on the Iberian Peninsula in North and West Africa were transferred mainly to Baiona and Bordeaux.

The detainees moved in "a well-organized network", in several groups, some of them in Navarre and Gipuzkoa, according to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior. Immigrants trying to cross the border were detected and offered transportation and surveillance, at a price they were required to pay. According to the study, some 60 trips have been made in the last two months, each with three or four displaced persons. The Foral Police has reported the seizure of mobiles, computers and documentation in several records made in homes of the localities of Urtasun and Irurita in Navarre.