Released the seven detained for protests in favor of Gaztetxe Marvels
  • The seven arrested have been released shortly after being arrested by the Guadalajara Civil Guard. Members of Gaztetxe Marvels have reported that on Monday afternoon the Foral Police detained seven people. They are charged with a public disorder, according to reports
ARGIA @argia 2019ko urtarrilaren 21
Ustez egozten dieten ekimenetako bat Aranzadi zubia 3 orduz moztu izana da. (Argazkia: Ekinklik)

From 8 January the Rozalejo Palace, located in the Gaztetxe Marvels, is closed in the Navarrería square of the Casco Viejo de Pamplona. Two of the arrests have reportedly been related to the action taken this Wednesday: Two people hung from the Aranzadi Bridge, with the rope placed from part to part, closing the road. The other five have been arrested for their alleged connection with this Thursday’s action: They chained on the hillside of the Labrit and cut off the traffic.

In total, it has been reported that 82 people could be prosecuted, as well as arrested and identified in the incidents this week and in August.