Premieres in Oñati on Day 5 the humor program "Zarramarra"
  • "Oñatiarra humor, born of people in town", is counted in the official Twitter account of the program. “Even if my grandfather and mother were made prisoners, there will be no lack of other mystics, so we will come to light. ".
Iñigo Igartua @igartua19 2020ko ekainaren 03a
Oñatiko kultur, gizarte eta kirol eragileak izango ditu jopuntuan Zarramarra irratsaioak.

Starting this week, every Friday, starting at 15:30 pm, a new Zarramarra program will be broadcast on Youtube, Ivoox and Spotify. In addition, all the information and special content on the week’s programme will be posted on the Twitter and Instagram accounts.

In order to create and disseminate humor, a group of citizens will try to respond to the different topics or expressions that are being held around Oñati. Each programme will last approximately 40 minutes and will involve a different "saltsero" guest. In the first of these, for example, the programme will have the presence of Aratz Losada, the announcer of Oñati Irratia. In the coming weeks they will have as guests the television presenter and radio broadcaster Antton Telleria or the musician of Oñati Iñigo Ugarte, among others.

"Oñati is the largest town in Gipuzkoa and also the last people to join the Empire of the Basque Country. Then it all started, when we entered the Basque Country: The Mondragon and the Bergara crossed the district of Elorregi (San Prudencio), the Legazpia stepped on our town… and saw the town there and created topics that spread to the rest of the towns. The most frequent are “Raw Potatoes and Mothers” and “Cuba-txiki”. These and other topics will be the topics to be discussed in the radio program 'Euskadi Irratia'. At the end of the note, please note: "We don't raise Aloña Mendi, and no, our humor has no limits."

Direct objectives

The group of twelve people launched the Zarramarra project last November. Although they adapt to the exceptional health situation caused by COVID-19 and hang several radio programs for people to know the essence of the program, their goal is to make it public.

The first live broadcast is scheduled for November of this year, although the final decision will depend on the evolution of the situation in which we find ourselves.