Zarauztarras show their strong support for the assaulted
  • The concentration at Zarautz Old Law Square on Thursday night has been multitudinous. They have shown their support for the sexist aggression that took place in December last year at the Arrano bar in the Guipuzkoan village.
Aritz Mutiozabal @AritzMutiozabal Urola Kostako Hitza @ukhitza 2020ko ekainaren 05
Argazkia: Aritz Mutiozabal / Hitza

Members of the Gazte Asanblada Danda, former Arroko workers, feminist militants and other people linked to the assaulted, have been on the march. Representatives of the PNV and the PSE-EE that make up the municipal government, including the mayor, Xabier Txurruka, will also be present. Representatives of the EH Bildu coalition have also been present.

No to sexist aggressions! With a banner that read "takes on the neck and protects", two family members of the victim wanted to thank the assaulted person and their relatives for the mobilization and support received during today's day. In addition, they have sent a letter of accession to the three women who have suffered a sexist aggression in Hernani (Gipuzkoa).

Concerning rounding, they state the following: “The woman assaulted at home, the woman trained, if the woman is on the floor, grabs her in the neck and help me to move forward, because there is a secret that is lost between the roles of the girl.” Then, all the congregants on the planet have received strong applause and the family has folded a banner in which they have closed the act.




Information related to:

- Letter from the assaulted woman, members of the Gazte Asanblada Danda, some former workers from Arrano, several feminist militants and other people around the assaulted.

- Reading of the Sortu and Águila de Zarautz Commission: 'No machist aggression, neither on the left Abertzale nor anywhere else!

- Letter from Ainhize Muniozguren and Ekhine Eizagirre on behalf of Zarauzko Bilgune Feminist: "No to Machian aggressions! Act together!