For the first time this year the time and dynamics of the barracks will be modified so that people with functional diversity can enjoy. What did you think of the initiative?
All right, it was time. Many times the campaign is carried out with noises so as not to disturb dogs, and we do not realize that excessive light and noise causes the same damage to our neighbor's child. Noise, light or overcrowding are the reasons why autistic people and many others don't go to barracks or festive spaces because of sensitivity issues. To me, the dynamic has made me a lot of excitement, and I'm even excited that every child will have the opportunity to enjoy the barracks without feeling bad.
"Often the campaign is made with noises so as not to disturb dogs, and we don't realize that excess light and noise causes the same damage as our neighbor's child."
Are the peoples or cultural traditions of the parties prepared to enjoy people of different needs?
I believe that we are in a process. There is increasing sensitivity and awareness. They are very important to be aware that we are not all equal, nor do we need or have the same opportunities. We have to do everything in our power so that we can all live well in society.
How does the initiative of the parties arise to make the Fragile Syndrome Association X visible? With the help of Amurrio Trail, you will have a 'txosna solidaria'.
At Amurrio Trail we were told that we wanted to put the txosna as a solidarity initiative to get money for the association. The City Hall told us that there was that intention, that they wanted to help some solidarity initiative. Amurrio Trail called us with the proposal, and so came collaboration.
Did you expect any recognition or contribution?
No. Visibility is very important to us: the more people who know the syndrome, the more people can be diagnosed and more resources or information to investigate the disease.
What are the characteristics of Fragile X Syndrome?
Difficulty in intellectual development is the main or most frequent symptom. It looks a lot like autism, so some of them are diagnosed as autistic. Language delay, delayed psychomotor development (difficulty walking or crawling)... are some of the symptoms.
"For example, fireworks cannot be routed out. But you can also do little things: for example, increase the language of interpretative signs in theatres."
Are there networks in Amurrio or region?
In Amurrio there is a child, a family. That is why we relate to the Fragile Syndrome Association X.
What happens after the holidays?
We are very open to collaboration and new initiatives. You just have to call the partnership and get in touch.
What can be done to enjoy the festivities?
There are parties where action cannot be changed. Fireworks, for example, cannot be removed from noise. But you can also do little things, like adding language of interpretive signs in theatres. Beyond the fragile syndrome X and autism, it is important that in concerts or theatres deaf people can follow the action: all the collectives must be taken into account.