Do you want to know more about the trash? Wikipedia shows a lot of information.
  • In recent months, the main contents, references and sources of this eastern Navarro dialect have been added to the free encyclopedia of the Internet.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2020ko urriaren 08a

The Basque Country of Salazar has its place on the net. In particular, in the largest encyclopedia in the world, Wikipedia, entries have been installed in Euskera, Castilian and Asturian, and in the last few months they have acquired content to become a space that accumulates a lot of information about the dialect.

Mendixut Magazine has informed us of this, and has made it clear to us that garbage wants to “lean out into the window.”

Among other things, we can learn more about the evolution, use and history of the Basque dialect through the work of researchers such as Aitor Arana, Iñaki Camino, Koldo Zuazo and others. Phonology, grammar, stories, bibliography and vocabulary can also be consulted. So we can tell that grandma was called a amatto in that valley, and the navel is known as kiskolda.

The Salazar have, therefore, one more tool to know and use more the language that has reached them from the navel of their ancestors.