The talk of the oppressed
Danel Abando Olabarri @AbandoDanel 2024ko urtarrilaren 24a

We are a people who continue to argue about the truth of the oppression suffered, because we remain an oppressed people. Because freedom means telling about reality itself, the ability to respond with one's own voice to the lies written by the oppressor in history with capital letters.

The Basque Country does not exist. There has been no flutter with nehoiz. The Basque country has naturally regressed. Besides being a typical discursive attack, these words are but a small example of general narration that have specifically spread in society, a strategy of master propaganda built in favor of Spanish unity. In this way, the story about this becomes more important than oppression, because the attitude of the oppressed will depend on it: to accept or lift reality with despair and face it. Of course, power uses the word to justify what it does and make it acceptable. In 2011, the Royal Academy of Spanish History presented the war provoked by Franco in its Spanish Biographical Dictionary as Crusade or Liberation War; we have recently heard the need to demilitarize and de-nazify Putin Ukraina, or to see him genocide in Gaza to respond to Netanyahu Hamas. It's as important to say how to do.

We are a people that continues to argue about the truth of the oppression suffered, because we are still an oppressed people.

In our case, general historiography has analyzed little and very briefly the oppression of Euskera. In fact, if we analyze the works that have studied the repression of Franco, we are faced with a political, economic or social repression, but the cultural sphere has hardly been worked out, let alone the oppression of languages. Honest trials have been carried out in our country, such as the white paper of the Basque Country of Euskaltzaindia or the history of the Basque Government of the Basque Country, but the oppression of languages is once again unexplored. For his part, Torrealdai received insults against the regime’s Basque: dialect, jargon, bark, fluttering, cancer of the homeland, jerigonza, which is our language that rolls from the oxen cart to the propeller of the plane. The Spanish language, of course, presented as the supreme language: language, clear romance or Christian language. Invited to use: Speak Spanish or Speak the language of the Empire. Thus, after analyzing the ideology of the regime, policies, laws, institutional instruments and actions, Torrealdai told us about cultural genocide. In the same vein is Xabier Irujo, who places the oppression of the Spanish and French States against the Basque culture in the Basque Country in the category of genocide.

Repression has now taken another path, judicial aggression, and the words are once again based on power: that the Basque Country is discriminatory, that requires minimum knowledge is opposed to equal access to public service, or that the measures in favour of the Basque Country are aimed at eliminating Castilian, and that would mean breaking the balance between languages. That is why projects such as Bizkarsoro, which we ourselves have done, which address us, which give us the floor, are essential. The repression suffered by the Basques of the Northern Basque Country during the twentieth century is reflected in a magnificent and hard film directed by Josu Martínez. In short, we need to continue to work firmly. They ask us not to tell our story!

Danel Abando Olabarri, Professor