The National Court records the cause of the 2003 attack in Sangüesa
  • Judge Francisco de Jorge of the Spanish National Court, after considering the investigation exhausted, decided to close in May 2003 the case investigating the murder of two Spanish policemen in Sangüesa.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2024ko urtarrilaren 19a

In recent years, the Spanish National Hearing has reopened a number of issues concerning the actions carried out by ETA to investigate the participation of ETA’s management in these attacks. The complaints made by the victims' association Dignity and Justice have led to this.

The Association believes that in these attacks it is not enough to punish the perpetrators, but also to punish those who were ETA managers at the time, because they gave orders. It is a legal figure called "authorship mediate", according to which the direct author is only an instrument he commands. In all these cases denounced by DyJ, therefore, ETA managers would also be executors and guilty of specific attacks.

One is the one now closed by Judge Francisco de Jorge. As detailed in the news released by Europa Press, the aforementioned judge has decided not to prosecute the defendants, once exhausted “all avenues of investigation”, according to the court, that there has been a crime, but there is no one to accuse.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, the two police killed and injured were members of the Spanish Police, “and it is known that this group was, unfortunately, the subject of the acts of the terrorist organization ETA, so this attack did not occur by direct and concrete orders from the ETA’s management”.

The judge has also recalled that in various reports from the police intelligence services it is mentioned that ETA commands acted freely for the purposes that were customary for them, and for this they did not need permission from the ETA management, as in this case Sangüesa.