They manage to extinguish a fire again in Zambrana
  • Although the fire in Zambrana was controlled on Sunday, on Monday morning it returned to dusk again with strong winds. The risk of fires is increasing in different parts of the Basque Country, and they have a number of measures to combat it.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko abuztuaren 09a
Sutearen ondoren Zanbranako lurrak kiskalita. Argazkia: Aitor Abecia, Zanbranako alkatea, @Aitor_Abecia Twitterren.

On Sunday afternoon, at 16:30 the fire began between the localities of Santa Cruz del Fierro and Ozio, and since then the fire brigade has turned off. On Monday morning it was announced that the mayor of the town, Aitor Abecia, had the fire under control, but at the end of the day he restarted by the wind.

This morning on Tuesday, the Council of Álava announced that they are in control of the fire. The firefighters continue just in case. The origin of the fire is still unclear, although the mayor mentioned that it was caused by a collision launched from a car.

Increased risk in Euskal Herria

The Pignada jungle and Lazaret de Angelu decided the intestine for the city district on Monday by Claude Olive, by a decision of the village house. Two years ago there was a great fire in this city of Lapurdi and some 165 hectares of forest were burned.

In Álava, on Monday the Basque Government set up a yellow warning.