The provisional sealing of the Zaldibar landfill will also be carried out by the Government
  • The department of Arantxa Tapia has asked the company to do this work, but Verter has not answered. The works will ensure the stability of the landfill for a period of “five or six” with a budget of 750,000 euros.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urriaren 03a
Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY SA

The Economic Development Council itself, Arantxa Tapia, gave the news on Tuesday. In June the government requested a report on the stability of the landfill. According to Tapia, in the short term there is no risk of falling, but if not sealed, the risk would increase as rainwater is introduced. Tapia has denounced that “the company has not done its job and that is why the government has had to take responsibility”, he has asked the company to make the report in June and now to seal it, now in the hands of a judicial administrator.

The work announced has a budget of 750,000 euros, which are divided into two main tasks: first compacting the soils and then applying a impermeable layer. Tapia accepts that the solution is provisional for five or six years, but also ensures that it has “full guarantee”. Does not report final sealing.

Mr Mikel Otero, a member of EH Bildu, has made statements on this. On the one hand, it welcomes the subsidiary stabilization carried out by the Government. On the other hand, he criticizes the position of the members of the government PNV and PSE, remembering that the same proposal was made by EH Bildu in Parliament in June and that the two parties opposed "alarmism".

Government subsidiary work

The Government has on several occasions taken over the work that would be the responsibility of the company Verter Recycling. In February 2020, the government implemented environmental stabilization works a few days after the landfill fell. The government then spent EUR 30 million, and it will finally be decided in the courts whether that money is paid by the government or the company. The Government also carried out the search for the dead bodies of Alberto Sololuze and Joaquín Beltrán. As for the new work announced on Tuesday, Tapia announced the opening of a sanctioning report against the company.