The Zaldibar Argitu platform has released the song and called it to be placed from the windows next Monday
  • The Zaldibar Argitu platform has presented a song in which many musicians have participated. On Monday, 6 April, two months have passed since the accident in the landfill managed by Verter Recycling and this song is intended to keep the claim alive.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2020ko apirilaren 05
Musikari ugarik hartu dute parte kantuan.

The detachment that affected Joaquín Beltrán and Alberto Sololuze two months ago, as reported by the Basque Department of the Interior in a statement. Members of the Zaldibar Argitu platform have created a song to keep the complaint alive, which has been driven by musicians.

The music has been composed by Miren Narbaiza and Kokein, the words have been made by Txakur Gorria, many musicians in the voice: Zaloa (Kokein), Malen (txakur Gorria), Miren (Mice), Aitor (Su ta Gar) and Maite (Mursego). David Karba and Jokin Bergara.

On Monday, at 20:30 a.m., a shake will take place in the windows. At the end of it, they have asked the neighbours to place two candles and, at that time, they have asked them to put the song down by the altabozos.


The words of the Trash Monster followed:

Trash monsters

has vomited us.

the nights are by fire


Where does the smell come from?

How many square words…

There's no danger.

broken windows.

Responses from the people,


would need

Clear Zaldibar!

Movement of tie

rich poses,

creates misery

hunger for power.

Poison created

comes back,

the sludge does not fit

Under the carpets.

Villages Joaquín, Alberto

close, at home

would need

Clear Zaldibar!

Life was the biggest

But maybe not everybody.

Responses from the people,


Joaquín, Alberto

close, at home

would need

Clear Zaldibar!