The participating companies of Beterri-Buruntza will talk about care
  • Under the Beterri Saretuz programme, agents from the Beterri Buruntza region and several companies from the Gipuzkoa region based on participation will meet this Thursday in Astigarraga.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko martxoaren 11
Beterri Saretuz programako saio bat (arg.: Bira Produkzioak)

One of the keys to promoting participation is to put lives at the centre, and on Thursday the Beterri Saretuz work programme will focus on health surveillance in Astigarraga.

To do so, they will know a project from the region, in which the members of the integral cooperative Maitelan will tell their experience in the company. The session will be held in person, but it will also be possible to follow in a telematic way.

The Beterri Saretuz programme aims to promote a pioneering ecosystem of companies involved in the region of Beterri-Buruntza, with the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the municipalities of the region. Last year companies began to meet around this project and this course, in addition to strengthening ties and expanding the network, have also organized sessions to meet the needs within a six-month program.

In February, the school year began in Usurbil. Summary video of this session: