Residents will carry out a 'surveillance period' to report the strike
  • On 19 September, the workers of the residences of Gipuzkoa held a new 30-day call for a strike to denounce and overcome their “precarious employment situation”, which will last until 18 October. 67. On the occasion of the Film Festival, the ELA syndicate and the strikers have organized a “special socialization event”: an alternative festival called Zainaldia. It is held from 25 to 27 this month in Sagües, and various activities have been scheduled for the coming days. “As a precarious woman, we want to tell our film,” they say.
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More than a year has passed since the start of the shift strike, and at the end of the current shift, the workers in the residences will complete 118 days of strike. Strikers have recalled that their struggle is a “feminist struggle,” as they call for an end to the wage gap with the masculinized sectors. They have also claimed that this is a “labour struggle”, as they have been fighting institutions and employers for more than a year. “Our is a struggle for life, because we want care for people in half of our society’s priorities, from birth to the last day,” they added.

The workers in the residences will bring their demands to the streets from Wednesday to Friday, and they have called on the citizens to join. They have also proposed a form of solidarity through social networks: upload photos and messages of solidarity to social networks, #Guardias and #ResidalityBorroka along with hashtags.

The full programme of the Monitoring Day is as follows:

Wednesday, 25 September

11:30 Demonstration from Kursal to Sagües.

12:30 A feminist embrace among the workers.

16:30 Projection and colloquium: Merci Patron by François Ruffin.

19:30 Zumba feminist.

26 September, Thursday

11:30 Collective photo in the Zurriola.

16:00 Projection and Colloquium: Bread and roses (Ken Loach).

19:00 Roaming feminist pilgrimage.

Friday, 27 September:

10:30 Extend the fight.

14:00 Paella Popular.

16:00 Projection and Colloquium: Pride (Matthew Warchus).

18:30 Giants and Karaoke Giants.