The capitals of Hego Euskal Herria demand a system of public and community surveillance
  • Under the motto Denon Bizitzak Erdigunea, the Feminist Movement of Euskal Herria has organized activities on September 20 in the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria. Through the actions, they ask the agents who have turned surveillance into a source of business. They have taken advantage of the mobilizations to call for the general feminist strike by 30 November.
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Bilboko mobilizazioa. Argazkia: EHko Mugimendu Feminista.

In Bilbao, at the headquarters of the PNV, in Sabin Etxea, they have mobilised. According to the feminist movement, the PNV is primarily responsible for turning the surveillance infrastructures of Bizkaia into a business source. In Pamplona they have protested against the Aliens Act in the foreign offices of the Government of Spain. In San Sebastian they have chosen two spaces of protest: Front of the Department of Social Policy of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Txara in the neighborhood of Intxaurrondo. There are several nursing homes in the area. The mobilization took place at the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Álava in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

According to the note published by the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country, yesterday’s mobilizations aimed to put on the table the urgency of reversing the care system. According to the reading of the movement, to build dignified lives it is essential to take care of lives, and to do so the right to freedom, commitment and conservation must be asserted.

In the note they point to the agents who have turned surveillance into a business source: “Some are interested in keeping this work completely invisible: They are no longer employees or in general employment. In this way, the care tasks fall on women, and increasingly on migrated and racialized women, in extreme conditions and situations of exploitation”.

The movement sees private companies and public institutions as responsible for the situation and asks them to end the privatization and commercialization of care.

In addition to bringing companies and institutions to the front line, he calls on men to take responsibility for this issue and join the general feminist strike on 30 November.

On 7 October the popular agreement will be presented “in the definition of a Basque public and community care system that exceeds the capitalist, racist and heteropatriarchal system and puts the lives of all at the centre”.

In Pamplona they have mobilized against the Aliens Act. Photo: Feminist Movement of HD.