Monitoring and Continuum System
  • Today we can talk about the disruption of surveillance systems, because do we take into account the continuum of all the flows of the current surveillance system? In other words, are laws governing the use of natural resources, the vital needs that support them, the working conditions of land-keepers or breaks and the right to freedom in caring for people taken into account?
Mirene Begiristain Zubillaga Marta Barba Gassó 2023ko azaroaren 28a
Nenufar erraldoia. Egilea: Katie Scott

Is it not common that in our daily life we are able to search for that continuum and collide with the interruptions caused by the crisis of structural custody? To recognize, redistribute and democratize the interrelationship between all these flows and lives, it is necessary to activate transformative processes and mechanisms. The connection of the continuum requires, among other things, deepening the relations of the economy with biological processes, biology with urbanism, anthropology and politics, culture and creation with consumption and education, and generating proposals for public-community surveillance from the interconnection of these multiple disciplines.

It leads us to connect and interrelate with ecodependence and interdencriminality for the Continuum of the surveillance system, and to interact with the collective and political subjectivism that operativizes appropriation in all our daily actions.



"All kind of reflection is a care practice, so it is very important what thoughts think, what stories tell. It is not true that everything is worth it. Reflecting and creating is an act of action thoughts”, by Donna Haraway.

"Care is the basis for building a dignified life, essential for the sustainability of our bodies and communities" Popular Agreement for the Feminist Strike of November 30.

• Degree of biodiversity richness: the species population has decreased by an average of 69% since 1970. Biodiversity loss is directly related to production, intensive and artificialised production models (aquaculture, agro-industry, non-regenerative forestry plantations…) (Live Planet Report)

• The value of unpaid domestic work in the CAPV in 2018 was 28% of gross domestic product (Eustat)



"Activities that reproduce daily and from generation to generation the physical and emotional well-being of people", Amaia Perez Orozco.

• About 70% of household and care tasks are performed by women (CAPV time budget)

• 80% of domestic workers are women, 30% are in an irregular administrative situation, 50% lack sufficient ecomomic support (Emagin).

• The public ownership of nursing homes in the CAPV does not reach 9%; in Navarra only 2 of the 71 residences are public (LAB)

• Women receive only 30% of agricultural aid distributed in Europe and to a lesser extent (Etxalde and Bizilur).


From the interruption of the surveillance system to the continuum

• In the coming years in the Basque Country, increases in closing levels, increased temperatures, extreme weather events and droughts, certain agricultural effects, disappearance of species and increased allergies and respiratory diseases (BC3) are expected.

• We spend more than 90% of our time in confined areas where air is contaminated to a greater or lesser extent (World Health Organization).

• In the CAPV the population under 16 years will represent 13% of the total population in 2031, 3 points lower than today, 58.8% between 16 and 64 years, 5 points lower than today, and the weight of the elderly will be 28.2%, 7 points higher than today (Eustat).