Strike in the care sector on 26 January
  • The unions ELA, LAB, CCOO and ESK have called for a strike in the Basque Country to claim that the surveillance sector has to be public.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko abenduaren 22a
Aurreko mobilizazioa

"The exhausted care model has shown its limits more clearly than ever in the framework of this pandemic. If CAV were an independent state, we would still have the highest mortality rate in the world after Belgium, and we would like to recall that one third of those affected work or receive a service in a commercialised surveillance environment. This model of care gets sick and kills." This is the reading of the ELA trade union in the surveillance sector. Thus, it will again be noticed that the attention must be public and of quality. This is a call at the level of the CAV and the strike has been called for on 17 November. In addition to ELA, the unions LAB, CCOO and ESK have also called for a strike to support the strike, with the same motives and demands.

LAB also sees the need to build a dignified care model: "It reaffirms the need to construct a new model of care, with a single criterion and basis in the people who need care and in the people who provide care. This is the fundamental axis and it is essential to create a Basque public system, universal, free, quality and direct management".

CCOO and ESK have the same demands and these will also go to the streets on 26 January to denounce, among other things, the situation of job insecurity in the sector.


On 17 November, workers in the surveillance sector at the CAV already had a strike day. They will also be mobilised on 4 March.