A30az feminist peasant women
"Care is more than caring for people, we need a system that takes care of land, seeds, water, animals, territories and communal goods."
  • We are feminist peasant women who support food sovereignty and are accustomed to our small agro-ecological projects not being profitable. Because we do not use highly mechanized or mechanized production systems, because our systems are not their phytosanitary treatments, ecological or not, intensive systems that make us monoculture with all of them.
Alazne Intxauspe 2023ko abenduaren 01a
Greba egunean goizeko piketean Atxondotik zutabea osatu zuten emakume baserritar feministek.

Because it's us and we don't produce, we work and we care. Every day we try to take care of every piece of land that we work on, take care of all the living things that live with us, take care of our food system, take care of and take care of the people that we feed and the people who work in networks with us. The land we are in is productive, it is full of biodiversity, we are building food sovereignty and we are happy.

Are we really not profitable? If we speak in the only language that capitalism understands, that is, in economic terms, we are poor because the system does so to us and we enrich it.

Just as yesterday we showed on the streets of Euskal Herria that we are turning the priorities around with the strength of society and that we are managing to focus the care of life.

Because, from our point of view, care is more than caring for people. We need a system that preserves land, seeds, water, animals, territories and communal goods. And we must not forget that care is also fed and that in order to organize a care system we have to organize a system that puts at the center the healthy eating of all. Because the food system is not limited to production and processing. It's a whole system of distribution, consumption, public procurement and homes.

The challenges we face are, therefore, great and greater is the ability of the feminist movement of the Basque Country to put the agents of the different areas at the service of the surveillance system through the dynamic “the lives of all in the center”. In this context, unions, social agents, social movements, etc., yesterday we called out that we are in favour of a community public care system in the Basque Country, we mobilize the people. We all have the right to be dignified in care and care.

And nothing started yesterday and nothing ended. Yesterday was part of the process and it was extraordinary, wonderful. We will continue to advance step by step until the revolution of this capitalist, classicist, heteropatriarchal and racist care regime. We will at least continue to send us.