Adaptation of Youtube Kids to provide a child with content in Basque
  • Youtube Kids is an additional development of Youtube to create an exclusive content configuration for the youngest of the house. Euskal Encodings has done a great amount of research and documentation on how to set up a child's account to provide it with content exclusively in Basque. They explain it in an excellent video tutorial.
Sustatu 2022ko azaroaren 03a

The video tutorial explains very well step by step, but here we summarize the main possibilities.

On one hand, on Youtube Kids: A YouTube tutor or parent must create an account with a Gmail/Google account. You should create a profile of a child among the proposed age ranges and then add the first content for that profile. In this step it is not possible to select "add content in Basque", nor the content of a channel in Basque you know; for example, the Euskal Encodings channel cannot be added at that moment because it does not meet the specific conditions of Kids. But Ene Kantak does fill the channels and the tutorial recommends adding them. Quiet, then you can add the content of Encodings, all sections in Basque of Heidi or Lazkao Txiki that have been incorporated into the network...

The second step, on Youtube, using the same Gmail/Google account previously used by the principal person. In this case, the Tutor Head can navigate between different contents by adding individual channels or videos. Now yes, you can add the channel Euskal Encodings, the Hiru Kluba, the series of videos Pottok Euskaraz, or even individual videos. Select a specific channel or video, find the sharing option, a new "With children" option appears where the profile of the chicharro we have created via Youtube Kids. It says yes and go forward. These sharing options are reduced to channels or videos, unfortunately it does not seem possible to choose specific lists of a channel.

For children to see them, reopen Youtube Kids, where the child’s profile has already been created with an icon. Click here, pass that to the child, where in a very simple interface the parent/guardian will be able to see the selected contents, not with the search option, but with a simple interface.

These steps have been performed by Euskal Encodings using Youtube and Youtube Kids apps for Android mobiles. The first part, that of creating a Kids account, looks like it can also be done through the web in the browser, but we haven't got the second part, that of sending YouTube videos to the Kids account from the web interface, but yes with the mobile app.

Both Kids and Main Youtube, on the other hand, both through the web and in the different applications (you can see them in the tutorial or in this link), in Basque almost entirely.

Some channels of interest

Euskal-Encodings YouTube
Katxiporreta TB
Loa eta Club Laia
3 Ene
Pottoki euskaraz
Gabi de la Maza