The Yala Nafarroa Palestine platform has been presented in Pamplona by Ola Arafat Arafat. She is a Navarra woman born in Gaza. Pharmaceutical researcher. Gaza has family and many relatives have been killed. Look with concern and concern at the news coming from there. It has created a platform to say that it is enough and to call for a permanent ceasefire. Yala Nafarroa with the name of Palestine, non-governmental organizations, several unions: UGT, CCOO, LAB, ESK, STEILAS, CGT, Solidari and Etxalde have joined three matches: EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and With You Nafarroa. The platform has 8 starting points that can serve as a basis and consensus to support Palestine.
"Yala Nafarroa Palestine was not born to replace other initiatives, joined forces and was born to achieve more ambitious goals," they said at the appearance of the platform. First, the demonstration is called for on 30 December: Golem will leave at 12:0 of the cinemas: 'Yala Nafarroa with Palestine, let us stop this massacre', motto of the protest. ELA joined the demonstration.