I already have bedos!
Roberto Alkarterri 2022ko urriaren 04a

“Nire ama esan duzu CEÚNO atera behar dut, BEDÓS eskola egiten didazu”. Listening to a kid. I don’t know how many years I was going to have, but listening to that and reading Mikel Basabe’s article “Educational laws harm the Basque Country,” I see clearly that the Basque country has a party. And that is that, as a gift, the credits B1 and B2, in view of the nefarious level of Euskera (in general) of those who come to Euskaltegi to obtain C1, how are we going to Euskaldunizar society? Is there real will and intention for that?

The Basque Government has endeavoured to base all language policy on qualifications and, since the suspension of the examination of these language titles or profiles is not politically very correct, has decided to give them away, significantly undermining the level that corresponds (or would correspond) to each degree. Currently, when attending Compulsory Secondary Education, B1 is recognized to an adolescent and B2 when attending Baccalaureate. Under the new Education Act, everything will henceforth be easier: For performing ESO, B2 and C1 baccalaureate will be recognized. And all this without any kind of study or control; “de facto”, in fact, for having studied in “Euskera”. However, the research carried out in this regard has shown that the school's model D does not Euskalduniza, so title C1 does not recognize any Basque character.

Because anybody knows that vasquity doesn't give it a title, none. Because Euskaldun is not one who has C1, C2 or any other accreditation that will be invented in the future, but one who, with or without title, develops in daily life in Euskera, mainly in Euskera or because it has decided it. However, instead of promoting training, the Basque Government wants to translate this supposed vasquity into paper, and so we are filling with graduates the administration, the society itself, the graduates who will then comply with the statistics, but this policy declines in use; the use of Euskera, for example, in the flooding, and the very quality of the Basque being used, they say. So, I don't know what the next step will be. I have the feeling that someday C2 will also be given for studying some subjects in Basque at the university. And I also have the feeling that the contents and concepts that are learned in Basque deficient are also learned or internalized, not only the uses, but also the quality kale.Tira, which is advanced (backwards, in the opinion of some), and to better reflect what we are doing well in the statistics, I would propose to make more gifts, for example, to recognize the newborn C2 merely by creating it in Euskal. Why not? Let's talk on this march all of us Castilian, thinking that we're talking about Basque, like Txiki the one from Lazcano, right?

Ah! And be careful to criticize what I say in these lines, that I already have the CEDÓS, eh!


Roberto Alkarterri, Euskera professor