Quote to reflect on Linguistic Policy for the 21st century
  • On the 10th anniversary of the death of Txillardegi, the Txillardegi Reflection Center of the Telesforo Monzón laboratory, Jakinek and UEU have jointly organized the conference on linguistic policy for the 21st century, with the aim of clarifying and discussing what language policy we need in the face of the challenges of the 21st century. It will be held on 19 October in Eibar and the registration is open in the address
Sustatu 2022ko urriaren 17a
Jardunaldien aurkezpenean, Urko Aiartza, Lorea Aguirre eta Kepa Sarasola.

The current model of normalization of the Basque Country shows signs of growth in most of the areas that cross the language: education, Euskaldunization of adults or normalization processes of public institutions, Euskaldunization of the world of work, cultural transmission or communication, among others. All of this directly affects the transmission and survival of the Basque Country, as indicated by the data on street use.

We need to discuss what language policy we need in the face of the challenges of the 21st century. Not to analyse whether or not we have done much, but to discuss and reach agreements on what we need. The aim of these days is to contribute to the debate that is going to take place in this country.

2022-10-19 in Eibar, UEU academic headquarters and Armeria Eskola

09:00-09:15 Reception and delivery of documentation.

09:15-09:30 Introduction and welcome.

  • Kepa Sarasola (UEU)
  • Haritz Azurmendi (Jakin)
  • Malen Domínguez (TMeLab)

09:30-10:00 CONFERENCE: Quick photo of the situation of the Basque Country.

  • Asier Etxenike (sociologist, Aztiker)
  • Moderator: Malen Domínguez (TMeLab)

10:00-10:30 CONFERENCE: The need for language policy.

  • Paul Bilbao (Council)
  • Moderator: Malen Domínguez (TMeLab)

10:30-11:00 Rest.

11:00-12:30 ROUND TABLE: Limits and renditions of current legal frameworks.

  • Eva Pons (UB)
  • Iñigo Urrutia (UPV-EHU)
  • Moderator: Zelai Nikolas (lawyer)

12:30-14:00 COLLOQUIUM: Governance of local linguistic policy: municipalities, counties, respiratory areas.

  • Iraitz Lazkano (UEMA)
  • Celia Rubio (Arrigorriaga City Hall)
  • Ione Josie (College of Euskera)
  • Moderator: Aize Otaño (Txillardegi Reflection Center)

14:00-15:00 Food.

15:00-16:30 ROUND TABLE: Language policy in Navarre, Northern Basque Country and Basque Country: current situation, opportunities and priorities.

  • Iker Salaberria (Txillardegi Reflection Center)
  • Dabid Anaut (municipal technician)
  • Eneko Gorri, Plazara
  • Moderator: Malen Domínguez (TMeLab)

16:30-16:45 Conclusions and prospects for the future.

  • Asier Basurto
  • Watch Segurola (Txillardegi Reflection Center)