The Artisans of Peace have launched a campaign calling for the freedom of the Basque political prisoner Xistor Haranburu through the platform The petition is addressed to the President of the French State, Emmanuel Macron, and is based on the letter of the peace-keepers Mixel Berhokoirigoin, Txetx Etcheverry and Michel Tubiana.
“For years, supported by political representatives of all trends, civil society in Euskal Herria has been involved in a process that aims to definitively overcome the page of 80 years of violence and suffering. The dissolution of ETA was a key moment in this process that has not been raised,” he said.
The Artisans of Peace remember that Haranburu has been in jail for 30 years. On 5 July the Court of Application of Penalties in Paris already ruled in favour of granting many conditioners, but the Prosecutor’s Office will appeal and continue to be in prison.
The three craftsmen strongly criticize the prosecution’s attitude: “This attitude of keeping a person who has served 30 years in prison cannot be justified, except when she meets all the requirements for release under precarious health conditions and on a conditional basis. We believe that the decision of the Public Prosecutor ' s Office is a decision by which the ongoing peace process is not taken into account in the letter. To say that “Xistor” The liberation of the Valley can lead to the regeneration of ETA, in the best of cases ignorance and in the worst case the desire for revenge, always with arguments based on lies”.
Beyond the case of the Haranburu, the paper denounces that the process of rapprochement of prisoners is “stalled”: “For no reason, they still remain under the status of DPS. This decision by the Public Prosecutor’s Office can revive the concern and suffering of all”—later, on 8 July, the French State has brought the Garikoitz Aspiazu shrine prisoner from Arlés prison to Lannemenberg prison.
The craftsmen have recalled Macron's words, which put Euskal Herria as an "example" in the resolution of the conflict and have asked him to "link actions and expressions". The petition, which has received over 6,700 signatures in five days, is open to citizen participation and citizenship.