The Xilaba championship will feature 38 bertsolaris divided into nine groups
  • The team bertsolaris Xilaba championship starts on 22 September in Ozaz and the final will be held on 18 November in Aiherra.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko irailaren 06a
Baionan aurkeztu dute taldekako Xilaba / Argazkia: Bertsulari Elkartea

The 3rd edition of the group was presented on Tuesday. It is "a playful competition that unites the bertsolaris of Usaia and not so much", explains Bertsularien Lagunak, who "one more year will reappear new and old bertsolaris to sing, to give the subject or to judge". The association added that "apart from the rigidity of the individual championship, the Xilaba by teams will be a toy that, with the verse as the axis, gives doors to other artistic disciplines such as music or theater".

The sessions of the Ligaxk phase will be in Ozaz, Urruña, Sara, Asmoze-Eihera, Hendaia, Baiona (two sessions), Hazparn and Aldude. The two semi-finals will be held in Muskiz and Azkain and the final in Aiherra.

The full calendar and list of participants can be found on the website.