Verses of Xenpelar: Branches of misery
  • Listening to the old bertsos can be an opportunity to alleviate this stage of confinement, and that's why at Xenpelar we've regained the series of verses "Adarra Misery" and we've musicated it to listen to them when you want.
Olatz Korta Xabier Zubeldia 2020ko apirilaren 16a

Xenpelar's selection of bertsos is known as 'getting married and getting married', but not that of 'Hitzetik Hortzera'. He put them in 1867 and with raw humor, in order to make them smile despite the seriousness of the situation. From the selection of fourteen bertsos we have selected six that have been sung by Olatz Korta and sung by Xabier Zubeldia.