For the first time a pastoral ministry will be held in Xareta
  • The recitals will be held on 15 and 16 October in the caves of Zugarramurdi, in the region of Xareta, where pastoral care will be held for the first time.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2022ko apirilaren 22a
Pastoralaren aurkezpena. (Argazkia.

The Maddi Trajectory will be the first pastoral in the Xareta region, with performances in the caves of Zugarramurdi, if time and infrastructure permit, on October 15 and 16, 2022.

For this pastoral care, she has been inspired by the legend of the young Maddi and integrated into the history of the Xareta region. Pantxika Urruti will be the regent or director of Maddi’s pastoral office, written by Navarro Gerardo Mungia.

In this case, the pastoral ministry will not be carried out by the Sulatins, as it will be in the hands of the inhabitants of the region of Xareta, more specifically the villages of Sara, Ainhoa, Urdazubi and Zugarramurdi.