Xabier Albistur, former Mayor of Donostia: “The metro is a useless piece”
  • The mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián, Xabier Albistur, has stated in an interview granted to the Diario Vasco his rejection of the works of the suburban area. In his opinion, the project is not enough “with ambition for the investment involved in the work”.
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Xabier Albistur, who was mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián between 1987 and 1991 of Eusko Alkartasuna, deputy and senator for the PNV in the Congress of Deputies, criticized the Donostia metro project in an interview with the Diario Vasco.

“The metro is a useless piece. It could be arranged differently, especially because of its trajectory,” he explained. The former mayor has reported that he transferred the mobility councilor Ernesto Gasco an alternative to cross the Urumea River below and reach the Herrera district, which has been answered that "for technical reasons" no.

“It seems to me that the project is not ambitious enough for the investment involved and for the work to be carried out,” said Albistur. “The decisions have been made and now everyone has to give their own. But it seems to me that something has failed with the project, I don't know if it was well dimensioned, studied and deepened, to see where they got in. This kind of delay does not suit the city.”