From 'Win win win' to action
Atzegiko etxebizitza zerbitzuko langileak 2023ko maiatzaren 29a

According to Win win win’s theory, it is possible to reach agreements that can benefit both sides. It also says that for that we must have solid pillars, confidence and security in order for that agreement to be sustainable over time.

And we're on that thin line where the people who work in Atzegi live with the people who use the service. Our personal life joins that of each of them. Because every person who leaves the skin and heart in our work believes in the philosophy of this association, in which families want to make people with different abilities visible and integrate into society. And because we believe in it, because we feel our own, because we want the best attention to the people we serve, we are here.

Working at Atzegin involves bringing the work home, not disconnecting, involving us, love of our work, working at times where others rest, losing family acts and finding a way to reconcile our family life with that of the other life, work. But let no one forget, especially the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Atzegi, that in addition to the people who want what they do, we are workers.

To delay is to bring the work home, not to disconnect, to engage, to work at times where others rest. If we cannot work with dignity, it is impossible to care for it with dignity.

If we cannot work with dignity, it is impossible to care for it with dignity. Who cares for what you care for? In this case, neither the Diputación nor the Atzegi leadership fade from the creation of an active organization, with the capacity for citizen mobilization, perceptive, inclusive, involved. But those of us who are part of this organisation are tired of not being recognised and valued, with a new model that, in our view, means a reduction in conciliation, in economic remuneration and in our health.

A tired worker does not do the same and the quality of work decreases. In short: 2,000 hours worked, but 1,600 hours counted, (400 hours in person), no bank holidays and weekends, no real night savings, leaving the base salary… and many other issues that would only pollute general opinion and stop being builders.

And the workers, fighting for dignity, we are faced with two organizations that wash their hands and throw the ball back and forth. But you ruin the money, and in the election era, it's pretty, and the other covers the file with users who claim to care for, integrate and fight without getting involved, without really committing. Only that can really happen if you look after people who are really struggling every day.

And so we went from one place to another, from Gipuzkoa Square to Okendo Street, uploading the banners and flags, waiting for nobody to put on our skin. In short, because what we are asking for is nothing that we do not deserve, but a win.

Atzegi housing service staff