We advance in the quality of Wikipedia content
  • The good numbers of Wikipedia in Euskera have long been known.
Sustatu 2020ko ekainaren 11

It stands out in the number of articles, but this meter is not unique: There is a tool that measures the "quality of key articles", for example, and in recent months the Basque country has risen 2 places, ranking 40 in the ranking of wikipedias by quality. In this improvement, some challenge and collaborative work raised in the Huhezi faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been significantly influenced.

In this quality field, the length of the articles, documented references, interconnections and other indexes are taken into account. One of the objectives of the Cultural Association of Basque Wikilaris (EWKE) is to advance in it, and in this case they have had the collaboration of the Huhezi faculty.

Another objective of EWKE, especially mentioned in the agreements with the Basque Government, is to complete and improve the contents of the list of 2,000 articles that are especially important for education.

In 2018, two years ago, since they started with this program, the content of those 2,000 articles has more than doubled than 127%, and 60% of the articles weigh more than 5,000 bytes.

The graph, from left to right, shows the number of articles there were at a given time in 2018 and the number of articles there are now. The most recent blue lines have dropped in short-length statistics and increased considerably in long articles.

In the list of the two thousand articles there are only 136 to be created. Here's the list, and the ones you see in red are the ones that are missing, you can start with them. Especially the work is complemented in the field of literature, where some books are missing, and they are not so complicated to compose a little.

A Wikilari has compared these two milestones of quality (the two thousand of Education / the founders of all Wikipedia) and has been created a series of articles from Article 278 with articles that are on both lists. They're sorted from child to child if someone wants to work on them. If you work on them, you participate in this year’s edition competition.