Wikimedia and education discuss the relationship
  • To analyze the relationship of Wikipedia and the projects surrounding Wikipedia with education, to discuss the existing projects and the challenges of mutual assistance, an ambitious international conference has been organized in Donostia-San Sebastián from 5 to 7 April.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko martxoaren 27a
"Afrikako wikilariekin solasaldia" proiektuaren irudia.

Over three days, 130 people from 50 countries will participate in the event, in which more than 50 presentations will be held. They have prepared talks, debates, courses… and a direct translation will be offered between English and Basque.

Mary Burns, among others, will offer a conference: He has over 100 publications and has worked on the development of educational curricula on all continents. Katherine Maher will talk about the role of education in the Wikimedia movement, the Afrocrowd and Wikiemakumeok group will present examples of projects and, based on language and community, Wales students will explain the project launched on Wikipedia.

Read the full program in English.